Expert Wood Furniture Care Tips

Wood furniture makes for a beautiful part of every interior. It is a great addition to any room, with a vast range of design styles and colours. Do take your time to research and acquire wood furniture that fits the style of your room and you will never regret this decision.

With some expert wood furniture care you can have this furniture looking as good as new

When you buy wood furniture, you have to be prepared to provide adequate care and the right cleaning service. This will not only ensure that it looks great at all times, but also guarantee that there is no damage to your furniture and that you don’t accidentally ruin it. This is important, especially if you have paid good money for the furniture. The following tips aim to provide you with useful information on how to look after your furniture so that it is in top-notch condition at all times:

  • Clean it the right way – generally, you want to use the same solution of mild dish soap and warm water that you use in other home cleaning tasks. This will do nicely when it comes to keeping the finish clean and shiny. A lot of people think that using water on wood furniture is bad, but the truth is that it’s totally fine as long as you don’t soak it. When you have wiped the surface of the furniture, be sure to wipe off the excess moisture with a dry soft cloth.
  • Apply finish protection – once you are done with your domestic cleaning, it pays to protect the finish of the furniture. The best solution to use is a soft paste wax, applied in thin coat on the surface of the wood. You should buff after 5 minutes by using a soft cloth or brush. Buff again more vigorously after 30-60 minutes and enjoy the returning shine of the finish.
    Do not expose to summer sun – it is no secret that the temperature of the sun coming through the windows in the summer can go above acceptable levels and in fact ruin the finish of your wood furniture. That is not the only potential problem that may occur, as the sun may in fact shrink the wood and cause cracks, which is the last thing you want. You should also avoid placing wood furniture next to heaters and vents as they too can cause similar damage.
  • Fix small damage – even if you are careful, small cracks and chips may occur. You can easily fix such damaged areas by applying shoe polish of the appropriate colour. A felt-tip marker will also work wonders to hide the damage.
  • Cleaning hazy rings – if you forget to put a coaster under your coffee mug, don’t despair at the sight of hazy spots left on wood furniture. A simple way to perform cleaning service is to rub the area with mild abrasive, such is a baking soda/non-gel toothpaste mix. Use your finger to apply it for small stains, or a soft cloth for larger stains.

restore this wood furniture to its original lustre and sheen with our expert care and repair tips

Properly caring for your wood furniture will prolong its life and contribute to its perfect looks. Invest time and effort and you will be sure to enjoy your wood furniture longer.

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